Friday, October 07, 2005

The thrilling conversion you've been waiting for

I’d like to make it official.

It’s over between video games and me.

We’ve had some good times. A lot of good times, even. But video games just don’t keep my interest anymore. There are just too many sexier, more entertaining things to do with my time.

And let’s face it: we’ve both changed. I’m more interested in writing and reading and people now. Video games are only interested in money and status and the way they look. It’s not about having fun anymore, which is what I’m looking for in my life right now. Besides, video games have gotten really repetitive with their stories. I know all about the young boy who defies and defeats an evil empire. I realize that 2006 was an entirely different sports season than 2005. You don’t have to keep telling me. I won’t forget.

And, quite frankly, can’t video games ever learn how to control their more violent tendencies? It didn’t used to be so bad. But now it’s almost always like talking to an over-sexed, serial killer with a bad rap/punk soundtrack in the background.

That said, I won’t deny that there might be a few flings between me and video games before it’s totally over.

Like this sexy thing.

It plays completely different and it seems like we might be able to have a few good times. Things could be different. I’d feel more involved and, thus, wanted. (Since the whole point is using the controller as a motion detector, an active IR “wand” and as a regular old wireless input/output device.)

I’m so sick of playing games the old way and Nintendo is the only one who seems to think that’s even possible. Proof, I guess, that sometimes all you need in a relationship is for the other side to listen. You know.



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