Friday, July 17, 2009

A few thoughts on gaming.

1) Rock Band: Harmonix has shifted the burden of developing new musical content to the labels themselves. Pardon me -- "empowered." It is a savvy move. Let the labels and artists save themselves. Truly a win/win for everybody (except Sony and Nintendo, they will have to wait 30 days after the debut of each song -- I guess Microsoft is going to try buying its way to the top) if the quality is consistent and the content is expanded. I am sure labels could easily outsource the work to fans who would just be happy to have the content available [The Rapture -- pick me!!].

2) 1 vs. 100: A logical, if not altogether obvious, move for online console gaming. It's easy to pick up, fun to play, and there are even prizes involved. Microsoft wins because it draws in a huge captive audience for in-game advertising. All they need is to incentivize the crowd in some better manner. It is hard not to get discouraged when you instantly answer every question but still lose to a 1000 other people who are an impossible split-second ahead of you every time. Regardless, promote whoever made this idea happen.

3) Dragon Quest IX: Sounds like a letdown. Sounds like Final Fantasy XII.

4) I believe Mark promised that he was going to clue me in on some sweet videogame related podcasts. I know he is unpacking and all, but he needs to get his priorities straight. Just like the Portland Trailblazers.


Blogger M S Martinez said...

Dragon Quest IX might not be that bad. Jeremy Parish, who I often agree with, doesn't really seem to be bashing the game. But it definitely doesn't sound friendly to the American Gears of War set (which is a hallmark of the series).

1 vs. 100. Do you have to pay to enter? Is there any way to grief the game, or is the interaction totally locked down?

So Microsoft wrote another check. But hey, at least we PS3 Rock Band players will only have to look at "noteworthy" tracks. Good luck sorting through all the crap ;P

Tue Jul 21, 10:31:00 AM GMT-7  
Blogger d l wright said...

Mark: you forgot to answer part 4!

Fri Jul 24, 02:15:00 PM GMT-7  

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