Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leviathan, Bound

Gears of War

Nasty, brutish and short. Not to mention stupid and incomprehensible. Released a mere 10 days before the Wii, Gears of War will surely come to represent everything wrong with the non-Nintendo gaming industry during the seventh generation console wars.

Grade: C-


Blogger Pela said...

Why does that one New Yorker profile gizz over that guy/game? I'm a lay person, so I need you to help me understand why your review/perspective is so different from

Also, I didn't buy the daddy issues as a source of genius either, so you can skip that critique.

Mon Mar 16, 06:29:00 PM GMT-7  
Blogger d l wright said...

Just to be clear, I am in the minority on this one. Gears of War was one of the first "big" games for the XBOX 360, which accounts for most of the hype -- that and the Microsoft payola.

My perspective is different because that article was written for an audience that has not touched a video game since the original Super Mario Brothers and would be amazed that Gears has no score [gasp!] or lives [faint!]. All of the touted innovations -- tactical improvisation, existential malaise -- have been around for generations.

And that article is filled with all these terrible signifiers ["A nicely observed reference to the novelist Cormac McCarthy" BARF!] that are supposed to add intellectual heft to a game that is dumber than you could possible imagine.

Mon Mar 16, 11:15:00 PM GMT-7  
Blogger M S Martinez said...

Yeah, Gears is famous for having an absolutely terrible scenario. ("Oh, but it's make some really deep statements about War and stuff if you really look." Yeah, not really.)

The funny thing is that the Gears scenario writer Susan O'Connor is also credited with work on the Bioshock scenario. Bioshock being the new standard for game narrative.

Although I most point out to you n00bs that the actual creative talent behind Bioshock is Ken Levine.

Tue Mar 17, 08:23:00 AM GMT-7  

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