Friday, May 26, 2006

Selling the cow...

It doesn't give off milk anyway. But, point is, I'm on the cusp of selling my PSP. I put up a post on another website I frequent asking whether I should do it. Whether I should sell my PSP.

Thing is, there aren't any good games on it and there don't seem to be anymore coming. Also, I have no plans on using it as a rearview mirror for the PS3.

I think the system is more or less dead.

Yet, I'm still having a hard time deciding whether or not I should unload the little black paperweight. Thoughts?



Blogger d l wright said...

I love how a lot of people on that forum are like, "Unless you are in financial straits..."

That is not a valid reason.

I agree with this guy:

"I asked myeslf this same question a few months ago. For me, it was a definite yes (when I realized I hadn't even picked up the system off my desk for 2 whole months). If you find you do use the system, stay with it, otherwise I'd get rid of that paperweight now. There's still lots of kids out there willing to throw a chunk of change at it thinking it's a good system. "

You probably aren't going to use it again, and even if a quality game comes along in the future, I don't think that is a good enough reason to keep it. Sure it is a beauty, and it is kind of cool that you can watch episodes of the office on it, and play emulator games. But really, how often do you use that function? I am imagine not that much.

I say sell it now. Get how ever much you can for it. Tthe system is dead, or there will be a price drop on it. If new games come along for it in the future, you can always pick it up again (used). It is not like this a rare commodity that you need to hold onto.

I understand the dilema though. I even had a hard time getting rid of GBA. A lovely system. Had some good times. But it was time to go. Got $20 for it.

Sell your PSP before you can only get $20 for it.

Fri May 26, 11:47:00 AM GMT-7  
Blogger M S Martinez said...

I sold the cow today (to someone on the message board no less) for 150 of your American dollars.

I don't regret it at all.

Now they just need to put out Lumines for the PS2 and the world will be all right.

Tue May 30, 07:19:00 PM GMT-7  

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