Wednesday, April 26, 2006

State of the State

As you perspicacious readers may have noticed, I brushed up on my HTML and tidied things up a bit around here. Some spring cleaning for the one year mark (pun!), perhaps. The obnoxious photo borders have been removed, and Mark and I are championing another cause towards which you can focus your apathy. I think we are going to maintain the spartan design, but maybe we will shake up the fonts and/or colors one of these days.

May I also draw your attention to a small recommendation section I added to the bottom of the sidebar. It mostly adds a much needed visual dynamism, but it also gives me a quick vector to advocate movies and music when I don't feel like writing. As a general rule of thumb, the list will contain CDs I am currently obsessing over and movies I would recommend seeing in theaters. If the graphics are too small, you can hover your mouse over the image and it will provide you the names, or you can click on the link and it will take you to the appropriate website [currently, the CDs send you to Amazon - perhaps someone has a favorite indie store they can recommend?]. I believe Mark will contribute a few sections of his own when he finishes finals.

And finally, some of you may be wondering about the whereabouts of a certain B Goldsmith. He is currently in the process of moving across the country, so hopefully we will hear from him shortly.

Good night, and good luck.


Blogger Pela said...

music for airpots? sounds trippy.

Sun Apr 30, 02:56:00 PM GMT-7  

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