Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Midnight Souls Still Remain

Dark Souls

How hard is Dark Souls?

I joked in my review of Demon's Souls that the sequel would have to develop all new ways to torture players, including deleting their saved games if they failed to beat the last boss.

It appears From Software one-upped me.

I'm convinced that Dark Souls is actually trying to kill me. Like in real life.

I had to go to the hospital because I developed a ganglion cyst on my left wrist from using the left trigger button to block too much.

And now Dark Souls is trying to kill the tattered remains of my social life by forcing me to explain to people I have my arm in a splint because of a video game.

I have no regrets.

Grade: A-


Blogger M S Martinez said...

I think you've officially out hardcore-gamered me.

Sat Nov 12, 09:07:00 AM GMT-7  

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