Monday, November 07, 2011


To be human is to have limitations, physical or mental, that shape and define us.

For me, it is the trials and tribulations of being ruggedly handsome. For Ben, it is the crippling inability to manage a fantasy sports team.

I recently met someone who cannot travel over 4,000 feet in elevation without suffering from brain hemorrhages. It is an odd affliction that doesn't have much of an influence on day-to-day life as it does on future planning.

Flying is out of the question. A weekend getaway to see friends in New York would be inconceivable. Intercontinental vacations would have to budget additional weeks for travel by boat.

Worse still: even getting to the east coast by car has its unexpected hurdles. From Oregon, one would to travel south along the California coast before you could head east due to impassably high Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevadas.

It would be like living in a parallel universe where all of the traveling innovations of the past 100 years never came to fruition.

A small reminder to be grateful for the limitations each of us does bear.


Blogger M S Martinez said...

That's fascinating. I'm totally going to steal that and use it as a detail in a story.

Sat Nov 12, 09:08:00 AM GMT-7  

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