Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The other road to Shambhala

Don't believe what you read. Uncharted 2 is the 2012 of video games.

It's amazing to watch and a pretty thrilling ride. But, honestly, there's not that much there when you look back.

The story of the game is about as boring and cliche as you can get (despite being held up as an example of what games should do). It's Indiana Jones light, with fewer developed characters.

For example Chloe Frazier, the blatant Megan Fox rip off with an unsettlingly difficult to place (and apparently Australian) accent, has no purpose in the story except to double, triple or quadruple cross other characters and move the plot along. Likewise, Lazarevic, the villain, is bad and seeking the Cintamani Stone because he's evil and wants to do evil things.

The story is interesting, but there was never a point where I felt compelled to find out what happens next.

The gameplay is equally uninspired. It's a bricolage of game genres but mostly breaks into long sequences of cover-based 3rd person shooting. And exploration that is primarily a matter of finding the colored stones, climbing, jumping and trying to see despite the cameras complete indifference to your journey.

Yet, much like 2012, you will be entertained. Perhaps more than (almost) any game you'll play this year.

Grade: B-



Blogger M S Martinez said...

Also, I forgot to mention, but the whole "Doorway to Shambhala" thing didn't make any sense whatsoever. They don't explain make it explicit that it's a mystical doorway, but you'd easily be able to find the lost city if it isn't mystical.

Mon Dec 21, 02:36:00 PM GMT-7  

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