Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scribble me this

Imagine that someone invented the ultimate sandbox. A sandbox that lets you create anything you want out sand. But then the inventor tells you that whenever you use the sandbox, you can't use your arms or legs, and you have to keep your eyes closed.

If only Scribblenauts were this cool in real life. It's not.That what it feels like to play Scribblenauts. Scribblenauts is a great concept, but a terrible game.

[For the uninformed (most of you), Scribblenauts is a puzzle game for the DS. Sort of. The whole game is built around solving puzzles with a magic notepad. Write the name of an object in the magic notepad, and that object appears on-screen and can be used to burn down the tree. Or fly you over the fire. Etc.]

Problem is, the game has a major flaw that curb-stomps all the fun you could be having: It's impossible to control the main character.

For some reason, you move your character around with the stylus. Usually, this means that you'll tap on the screen, and the little mouth-breather will run straight off a cliff. Or he'll inexplicably throw away the spear it took you there taps with the stylus to put in hands. The most frustrating thing is that the d-pad and face buttons aren't used for anything important.

I tried to stick with the game so that I could give it a fair shake (and review here on my blog). Then I realized that I don't get paid for this. So I stuck the stupid game in it's envelope and sent it's ass back to Gamefly.

Maybe Scribblenauts 2 won't be broken.

Grade: F+



Blogger d l wright said...

I also heard that objects rarely accomplish what you actually want them to do.

Too bad. Awesome idea for a game (albeit, maybe impossible to execute in a non-web2.0 format).

Wed Oct 28, 09:29:00 AM GMT-7  

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