Monday, March 20, 2006

Death, Gentlemen?

SCENE 1. FLIGHT 2600. A Public Place.

Enter THREE BACHELOR PARTIES, of the house of Sigma Phi Delta, armed with Crown and Coke. The 36 year-old psychiatrist at the WINDOW wisely prescribes herself some VALIUM and promptly passes out.

FOUR hours and NINE drinks later (not to mention the THIRTY-some bags of peanuts that were thrown in flight hitting both the ELDERLY and the CRIPPLED) "BAGMAN" looks to LOGAN intently trying to read a book.


Yo, Kurt [Cobain]. Did you seriously just read all SIXTY of those pages on the plane or did you skip around?


[from the back of the plane] We're going DOWN! [pause] Just kidding folks!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey, if you're into reading Mr. Simon Reynolds and you want to hear an interview about the book - we've got a great music show - at Athens' own NPR station - that spoke with him a couple weeks ago.

Mon Mar 20, 06:53:00 PM GMT-7  
Blogger d l wright said...

Cool. Thanks for the heads up. Mr. Simon Reynolds's book is really good, but I can't help but wonder if there isn't a way to tell the story more cohesively or if all post-punk narratives have to be so fragmentary. (Athens gets some big shout outs in the book, and his description of the New York No Wave scene is pretty amazing).

Did you get a chance to see Tristram Shandy yet? And did you get my e-mail about EUROVISION 2006?

No gitanos, no justice.

Tue Mar 21, 12:16:00 AM GMT-7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, given the fear and trembling aroused by grad school, I haven't gotten the chance to trek out to Atlanta to see Tristram Shandy. I'll probably have to wait til it comes out on DVD - or bootleg it, or some such thing.

I definitely got the EUROVISION email. As always, my money's on Andorra.

Aside from the obvious metaphor of some kind of dream-European Union that not only involves all of the recalcitrant non-EU members on the continent (Switzerland, I'm looking at you), but Israel and Turkey [!], there's the sublimation of agonal energies of continental geopolitics into an even more ridiculous "non-political" competition than the Olympics. It's of course most fascinating when it breaks down - as in Serbia-Montenegro backing out because Serbian fans say the Montenegrins, on the eve of a referendum on independence from the state union, fixed the voting. Taking a page out of the bonobo book, I think, if we can't just replace armed conflict with international orgies, we should get it all done with cheesy pop tunes. Think of how different WWI would have been...I'd kill to hear Marinetti's Zang Tumb Tumb set to a Serge Gainsbourg horn arrangement.

Fri Mar 24, 09:26:00 PM GMT-7  

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