Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Schadenfreude, or Boooooooo!-zer, Boooooooo!-zer, Boooooooo!-zer

The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting that Carlos Boozer officially filed for divorce on Aug. 13, days after his eighth anniversary.

This news breaks days after word of his latest injury. You know the one. Where he broke his hand in a manner remarkably similar to what is commonly known as a boxer's fracture.

I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist. Boozer could have actually tripped over a bag and broken his hand because he was racing to answer the door. Rather than "the impact of a clenched fist... a hard, immovable object, such as a wall or a door."

But it isn't like he's known for being honest and truthful.



Blogger b r christensen said...

punched something, tripped. . . don't matter much to me. I just feel bad for the bulls. No I don't.

Wed Oct 06, 10:22:00 AM GMT-7  
Blogger d l wright said...

I don't know. Boozer tripping on a bag just fits so perfectly into my impression of him.

But I do like this conspiracy side of you Mark and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Wed Oct 06, 12:39:00 PM GMT-7  

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