Monday, February 20, 2006

Scopic Fixations

We have all heard the stories about how Renshon is now a cyber-NARC for Citigroup - hell, I wouldn't doubt it if he was combing through our e-mails back in the days of IMP - but I was talking to a buddy of mine who works the same position for NASA, and he informed me that they have a policy that the most porn an employee can watch during a work day is three hours. 3 HOURS! Apparently they are worried that any more will interfere with 'company time.' I have visions dancing in my head of programmers testing particle accelerators with Riding Miss Daisy going on in the background. I'm no libertarian, but only the government would allot that much time for 'normalizing the vector:' "Boys, we won the Cold War; go knock yourselves out."

I tried to verify this by punching in NASA + Porn into Google, but this was the best I could come up with.


Blogger M S Martinez said...

Good news Logan!

I put a content filter on my Mac. (Suspecting that my parents let me four year old niece play on it unattended when I'm not around... a suspicion that was verified yesterday –– but that's another story).

My content filter (Content Barrier X) thinks that this post is pornography.

FYI ;)

Tue Feb 21, 12:04:00 PM GMT-7  
Blogger d l wright said...

You would be amazed at how unsexy the links google pulls up when you search for "pornography."

Although I found this sponsored ad to be rather intriguing:

Looking for Women?
Find exactly what you want today

Tue Feb 21, 01:33:00 PM GMT-7  

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