Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Economies of Scale

I know the pricing of digital media is still the Wild West as far as the internet is concerned, but this is ridiculous:

$9.99 seems reasonable enough for standard definition, but double the price for HD? That is a particularly hard sell when I can flip over to TV shows and purchase, let's say, an entire season of The Wire for the same price. And why are audiobooks still so expensive? I could buy a used book and hire somebody off Craigslist to read it to me for cheaper.


Blogger b r christensen said...

amen on audiobooks.

whenever i'm about to roadtrip i always think i'll pick one up and i'm like wait a minute, y'all are the ones that's trippin'.

5-8 bucks seems about right for an audiobook.

Wed Oct 27, 03:40:00 PM GMT-7  
Blogger M S Martinez said...

Agreed. Especially now that you can have a computer read the book to you. (Except for, you know, how most of the publishers won't let you.)

I would only be willing to pay as much for the audio version read by one of the modern, natural computer voices as I would for the Kindle version of a book. Say $8–10.

Thu Oct 28, 10:21:00 AM GMT-7  
Blogger b r christensen said...

maybe future generations won't care about this, but I feel like, for 20 bucks I should be getting something I can put on my shelf.

Fri Oct 29, 09:44:00 AM GMT-7  
Blogger d l wright said...

I agree with you Brad, but for some reason I prefer digital copies of TV shows because it is more convenient for those Arrested Development marathons. Movies, on the other hand, usual involve one at a time consumption, so its nice to have the physical copy on hand.

Mon Nov 01, 08:30:00 AM GMT-7  

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