Wednesday, June 23, 2010

E3 2010: Overload

Whatever brain trust decided to schedule iPhone 4 preorders (got mine bitches!), World Cup, NBA Finals (go lesser of two evils!) and E3 at the same time must hate me being good at my job. Especially since virtually everything I've mentioned (save for the NBA playoffs) can be done/watched in a browser tab next to the one I'm working in.

With nary a word about our vitality, or the sensing thereof,  Nintendo quietly made the biggest splash at this year's E3 with a surprisingly core-gamer friendly press conference. I was impressed enough that I will be buying the new Zelda, a 3DS, Ocarina of Time 3D and probably some other stuff I don't need. Sony had a few shiny baubles. But all stuff I don't care about or don't want to invest $4,000 to experience. Microsoft... you're lucky you have Halo.

AT&T is awful. I went to Colorado last month, and there were no 3Gs anywhere... that I was. (And I'm used to a certain amount of 3Gs. I have needs, after all.) On an entirely unrelated note, I wasn't surprised when AT&T's servers crumpled and cracked under the weight of iPhone 4 preorders. And yet I tried and tried for nine hours until I successfully reserved one.

I'm glad the NBA season is over. I don't like the Celtics or the Lakers, so I didn't really care who won. But I actually wanted the Lakers to win because I think they're a better team, and because I don't like how much rest the playoff schedules gives older teams. I can't wait until mid-July when the free agency talk will finally go away.

World Cup. The U.S. is actually in the knockout rounds. It's great, but it's kind of irritating that it was such a struggle for them. (I know it's not worth complaining about bad referees—every sport has those. But when the ref can wave off a game-winning goal and change the course of an entire group of teams... that's bullshit.) I look forward to spending this Saturday morning in a bar.



Blogger b r christensen said...

Aww yeah. What bar are we going to MM?

Wed Jun 23, 03:50:00 PM GMT-7  
Blogger M S Martinez said...

Any suggestions? I'd like to avoid the obvious places like Fiddler's Elbow (which I hate), but also want a rowdy crowd.

Wed Jun 23, 04:33:00 PM GMT-7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The game doesn't start till 2:30, are you going early to get into the English frame of mind? Pour the Ginness as early as possible so you can sit through a 0-0 game?

Thu Jun 24, 02:44:00 PM GMT-7  

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